CR 9 Lawful Good Medium Humanoid (Human)
Initiative +3; Senses Perception +16
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 Armor, +2 Dex, 0 Size)
hp 81 (9d8 + 36)
Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +13, +1 against traps
Defensive Abilities Reactive Healing
Speed ground 30 ft
Space 5 ft, Reach 5 ft Melee Morningstar +7 / +2 (1d8 + 1 B & P)
Ranged +1 Blackwood Composite Longbow +8 / +3 (110 ft, 1d8 + 1 P, x3)
Spells Prepared (CL 9; concentration +16, +22 to cast defensively)
Jusa normally uses the Information Broker spell below.
STR 12 (+1), DEX 14 (+2), CON 18 (+4), INT 10 (0), WIS 24 (+7), CHA 16 (+3)
Base Attack +6 / +1; CMB +7; CMD 19
Skills diplomacy +12, heal +17, knowledge +12, perception +16, spellcraft +8
Languages Common
Feats Combat Casting, Quick Channel, Reactive Healing, Selective Channeling, Point-Blank Shot, Warrior Priest
Gear Morningstar, +1 Blackwood Composite Longbow, Trapwarding Four-Mirror Armor, Cleric’s Kit, Scrivener’s Kit, Silver Holy Symbol, Wand of Cure Light Wounds (42 Charges Left), Headband of Inspired Wisdom (+4), 5500 gp
SQ Aura, Channel Energy, Domains ( Archon (Law) and Memory), Orisons, Spontaneous Casting
Special Abilities#
Aura: Jusa has a particularly powerful good and lawful aura which can be detect by spells like Detect Good or Detect Law.
Channel Energy: 6 (3 + Cha Mod) times per day, Jusa can channel 5d6 (1d6 + 1d6 per two Cleric levels) points of positive energy to all creatures in a 30 ft burst as a standard action (or as a move action by using two charges with Quick Channel), choosing to exclude three (Selective Channeling), choosing to either heal living or harm undead but not both.
Domains: Jusa follows the Archon (Law) and Memory domains. The grant the following benefits.
- Touch of Law (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, infusing it with the power of divine order and allowing it to treat all attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round as if the natural d20 roll resulted in an 11. You can use this ability 10 (3 + Wis Mod) times a day.
- Aura of Menace (Su): You can emit a 30 foot aura as a standard action. Enemies in this aura take a -2 penalty to AC and on attacks and saves as long as they remain inside the aura. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level (9). These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
- Recall (Su): With a touch, you can cause a creature to recall some bit of forgotten lore or information. The creature can retry any Knowledge skill check it has made within the past minute, gaining a insight bonus on the check equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can use this ability 10 (3 + Wis Mod) times a day.
- Remote Viewing (Sp): You can use Clairaudience/Clairvoyance at will as a spell-like ability using your cleric level as the caster level. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level (9). These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Spontaneous Casting: Jusa can expend a non-domain spell of any level to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower. Those spells are now listed. Cure Light Wounds (Level 1), Cure Moderate Wounds (Level 2), Cure Serious Wounds (Level 3), Cure Critical Wounds (Level 4), Cure Light Wounds, Mass (Level 5), Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass (Level 6), Cure Serious Wounds, Mass (Level 7), Cure Critical Wounds, Mass (Level 8)
Alternative Spell Lists#
Clerics can prepare any spell on the Cleric Spell List, however like Wizards they prepare spells on a one-to-one basis with their spell slots. These lists will assume that Jusa has decided to not prepare a single spell multiple times, but that is a possibility.
Domain spells are marked with an ‘*’ and exclusively use the ‘+ 1’ spell slot. They cannot be used as part of Jusa’s Spontaneous Casting ability.
- Orison (DC 15): Virtue, Purify Food and Drink, Mending, Stabilize
- 1st Level (6 + 1 / Day, DC 18): Deathwatch, Divine Favor*, Diagnose Disease, Endure Elements, Instant Clot, Sanctuary
- 2nd Level (5 + 1 / Day, DC 19): Align Weapon* (Law Only), Gentle Repose, Healing Token, Status, Lesser Restoration, Life Pact
- 3rd Level (4 + 1 / Day, DC 20): Protection from Energy, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Prayer*
- 4th Level (3 + 1 / Day, DC 21): Deathless, Order’s Wrath*, Purify Body, Restoration
- 5th Level (2 + 1 / Day, DC 22): Breath of Life, Cleanse, Dispel Chaos*
- Orison (DC 15): Virtue, Guidance, Bleed, Stabilize
- 1st Level (6 + 1 / Day, DC 18): Bless, Bane, Divine Favor*, Entropic Shield, Hedging Weapons, Protection from Evil, Weapons Against Evil
- 2nd Level (5 + 1 / Day, DC 19): Align Weapon* (Law Only), Grace, Ironskin, Inner Focus, Shield of Fortification, Spiritual Weapon
- 3rd Level (4 + 1 / Day, DC 20): Archon’s Aura, Contagious Zeal, Damnation, Planned Assult, Prayer*
- 4th Level (3 + 1 / Day, DC 21): Blessing of Fervor, Debilitating Portent, Guardian of Faith, Order’s Wrath*
- 5th Level (2 + 1 / Day, DC 20): Burst of Glory, Dispel Chaos*, Flame Strike
- Orison (DC 15): Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Sotto Voice
- 1st Level (6 + 1 / Day, DC 18): Cloak of Secrets, Command, Comprehend Languages*, Keyhole, Obscuring Mist, Speechreader’s Sight
- 2nd Level (5 + 1 / Day, DC 19): Conditional Favor, Detect Magic (Greater), Find Traps, Memory Lapse*, Secret Speech, Undetectable Alignment
- 3rd Level (4 + 1 / Day, DC 20): Catatonia, Blot, Invisibility Purge, See Beyond, Speak with Dead*
- 4th Level (3 + 1 / Day, DC 21): Devil Snare, Divination*, Enchantment Foil, Shield Speech (Greater)
- 5th Level (2 + 1 / Day, DC 22): Curse of Magic Negation, Respectful Quiet, True Seeing*
Delirium [X]#
- Orison (DC 15): Bleed, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Spark
- 1st Level (6 + 1 / Day, DC 18): Comprehend Languages*, Coward’s Cowl, Doom, Ears of the City, Forbid Action, Haze of Dreams, Murderous Command
- 2nd Level (5 + 1 / Day, DC 19): Compel Tongue, Dark Whispers, Enthrall, Invigorating Poison, Memory Lapse*, Mortal Terror
- 3rd Level (4 + 1 / Day, DC 20): Detect Anxieties, Detect Desires, Enter Image, False Alibi, Speak with Dead*
- 4th Level (3 + 1 / Day, DC 21): Divination*, False Future, Hullucinogenic Smoke, Terrible Remorse
- 5th Level (2 + 1 / Day, DC 22): Forbid Action (Greater), True Seeing*, Village Veil
Information Broker#
- Orison (DC 15): Guidance, Light, Mending, Stabilize
- 1st Level (6 + 1 / Day, DC 18): Authenticating Gaze, Comprehend Languages*, Fallback Strategy, Instand Portrait, Know the Enemy, Read Weather, Rune Trace
- 2nd Level (5 + 1 / Day, DC 19): Augury, Build Trust, Lay of the Land, Memory Lapse*, Page-Bound Epiphany, Reveal True Shape
- 3rd Level (4 + 1 / Day, DC 20): Blood Biography, Locate Object, Obscure Object, Revelation, Speak with Dead*
- 4th Level (3 + 1 / Day, DC 21): Discern Lies, Divination*, Probe History, Red Hand of the Killer
- 5th Level (2 + 1 / Day, DC 22): Commune, Dungeonsight, True Seeing*
Equipment Wish-list#
- Celestial Armor (22,400 gp)
- Headband of Inspired Wisdom (4,000 / 16,000 / 36,000 gp)
- Belt of Incredible Dexterity (4,000 / 16,000 / 36,000 gp) or Belt of Physical Might Strength and Dexterity (10,000 / 40,000 / 90,000 gp)