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Start with a Bang

·411 words·2 mins
Matt Schwennesen
Matt Schwennesen
Ph.D. Student and Tabletop Gaming Enthusiast

When we last ventured to the Great Basin…

The members of the Task Force had just encountered a spherical ooze raising from a room full of debris and bone, a skeletal figure in the center of the ooze. You had tried to just go around the ooze since it wasn’t immediately hostile, but when you did the eyes of the skeletal wizard flared to life and it cast Chain Lightning at you. At the same time, a stone statue of a head in the far corner started to murmur a captivating tune which enchanted several of you. You quickly decided the best course of action was to not waste resources and attempt to move past the pair of monsters into the next chamber over. Eventually that was accomplished and a Wall of Stone erected to seal the open doorway, blocking the murmurs from following you. After proceeding through a few more mostly empty chambers, you arrive a a locked stone door. Without any of the Task Force members being particularly skilled at picking locks, Wil bashes the door down with a tremendous racket. Beyond that door is your target, a circular room exactly matching the size of the room in Oisin’s vision, with stairs leading upwards. You take the stairs into a damp but otherwise dry and clean space filled with bookshelves and a low stone platform.

While you had expected the lab to be empty, with Daalvis Zidba and his aid still away for the Mage’s Guild Conference in Sino, you are instead greeted be a tall woman with feathers growing in her hair and a large snake tail that ends with more feathers. You ask were the Sword of Divinity is and she says that she doesn’t know. While skeptical of the answer, a few Sense Motive checks reveal that she really doesn’t know. Oisin is first to realize that a combat is brewing and casts Detect Thoughts to learn more about the woman standing before you and see if there are any other’s hiding in the room. He learns that there are at least two more people in the range of Detect Thoughts. When the combat starts, several things happen all at once. Oisin casts Obsidian Flow, Meru casts Rainbow Pattern and a gunshot echos through the small lab. Oisin has been hit with a Disintegrate bullet and crumbs away into dust.

We now resume as the rest of you engage your foes in the hidden research lab.