This post is back dated from 7 Nov 2022 since I apparently forgot to write it.
When we last ventured to the Great Basin,
It was the 4th of Shimmerfall 1763 and the Annual Symposium of Arcane Masters was taking place on Kerkard, an event that Oisin had been looking forward to for some time. He and Breagan went to the Symposium, hosting in the Library of the Muse and learned all sorts of new and interesting things about magic. Established practitioners were giving lectures about the schools of magic while military researchers were showing footage of the destruction of a mountain using a new technique to cast extremely powerful spells using multiple casters and some really crazy theorists were trying to impose a level system on spells. The day 1 keynote speech was given by Janus Brutus from the Empire of Xylte about countering and “decomposing” Andorran magic.
Among the other characters that Oisin and Breagan got to meet was Altair Aquila, the headmaster of the Tower of Torrents (the most prestigious mage school in the Basin) and the Dean of Student, a gnome named Daalvis Zidba. Both of whom seemed to enjoy speaking with Oisin in Andorran. They also met Viven Vi, the next in line for the throne of the Principality of Vi and apparently a sorcerer by birth who has not been able to escape prosecution from the Church.
Meanwhile, the rest of you went to interrogate Voracious who was much more willing to talk than expected. He seemed to want to share some of this information. Some important things which were learned include:
- Voracious was a backup ‘getaway driver’ for the group which stole the Sword of Divinity.
- He and Vicious used to be crew mates on a pirate ship called the Sanguine Ravager before getting involved with the Keburipemi Syndicate.
- Vicious was the one who instructed him to contact Hans about the sale of Cylex to the Eichen.
- The group which stole the Sword of Divinity was separate from Syndicate and is called the League Against Koncord Eminence.
At this point, he started violently choking and an aura of dread quickly permeated the cell as everybody backed away from Voracious. Even Jusa did not want to approach Voracious as he collapsed on the floor, claiming that this amount of damage was beyond her capabilities. Using Greater Detect Magic, Zorro was able to learn that this effect gave off a Strong aura and was able to identify the caster’s residuals in the spell’s energy. Working with Jusa, they deduced that this wasn’t so much a spell, which implies some control of the energy, as it was channeling massive amounts of raw negative energy into Voracious.
When security was called, the task force was taken into a holding room until Eaton appeared to question them. He was most unhappy when you refused to reveal the information that Voracious had been told and when you mentioned that it could only be revealed to the Forum, he called an emergency meeting of the Forum.
During this emergency meeting, the delegates demanded answers, and you did your best to insist that revealing that information without proper consideration would damage the relationship between the members of the Forum. Such complains fell on deaf ears, which Barno Henchor from the Eichen Kingdom even suggesting executing the non-complainant members of the task force. At this point, Oisin stepped in and in a passionate yet blunt speech threatened to reveal secrets from each government present when had a chilling effect on the room and the delegates backed off for now.
Later, Wil sought out Peric Abell to learn more about the Sanguine Ravager and learned that it was an infamous pirate ship which appeared 17 years ago, plundered more goods than any other ship on record and tried to unify all of the pirate fleets before disappearing, presumably lost, during a massive attack against a convey of ships operated by Ragnory Shipping Co.